The Alchemist: Detox and Digest


An energetic ensemble of digestive herbs to stoke the fires of the digestive cauldron, transforming that which we ingest into pure energy and nourishment. These herbal alchemists empower our center with a strong digestive fire, increasing metabolism so that foods are better broken down and assimilated, whilst purifying our bodies from that which no longer serves us.

Our digestive system gives us the capacity to take in nourishment through both food and experience, enabling us to be full of life and abundance. When stagnant, sluggish, and imbalanced, poor digestion can bring about lethargy, unruly appetites, water retention, and weight gain, and can impede or stagnate the progress of our own lives.

Condense, utilize, and integrate all sources of available nourishment in life by awakening to flow through Triphala, Cinnamon, and the Golden Goddess Turmeric, whose powers are amplified and made bio-available by her spicy consort Black Pepper.

The Alchemist supports healthy bowel function, tonifies the entire eliminative tract, helps stabilize healthy blood sugar and cholesterol levels, soothes inflammation, increases metabolism, promotes weight loss, and encourages detoxification of unhealthy wastes and the production of healthy microbes. 

Our 3 favourite ways to incorporate the The Alchemist formula in your daily lifestyle:

  1. By simply adding spoon full in our Malibu Ginger Juice

  2. Sprinkle generously over your morning porridge

  3. A spoon full in warm water before bed for digestive support

Nancy B