Alchemy: Cleansing with the moon

When you align your cleanse with the lunar calendar, it gives you a deeper experience of clarity and fulfillment. Fasting on the particular lunar days of the New Moon, 4th day, 11th day and Full Moon helps to reboot your metabolism and glandular system, brightens the skin, lifts mood and delivers new energy.

This Moon Cleanse is a very effective and gentle way to do a cleanse over 4 days throughout the month that are aligned with the lunar cycle. We recommend to start on the New Moon but you can also begin at one of the other lunar days.

New Moon

This dark moon acts as the first day of the lunar cycle. This is a good time to go inward, reflect, and set intentions for the coming month. 

4th Day of the Moon

The 4th day of the lunar cycle is a day of systemic awakening in your glandular secretions for physical health, vitality and consciousness. 

11th Day of the Moon

The 11th day of the lunar cycle is a day of balance, powerful for cleansing and restoration.

Full Moon

The full moon is a true creative power day and one of the highest points of acceleration and energy during the lunar cycle.

Moon Cleanse
Nancy B