In conversation with Pepita de Vries

We have partnered up with Holistic Health Coach and Founder of Happy Cravings Pepita de Vries to launch our 7 Days Fall Detox Program, starting October 27th. She studied at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York while living in California and is specialized in Food Allergies and a Certified Gluten Practitioner. In her unique approach of holistic healing she uses Integrative Nutrition and Transformational Coaching as guiding principle because ‘not-one-size-fits-all’. Pepita’s mission is to support others in reclaiming their health & energy, stop spinning wheels, lose the guilt and start thriving. By exploring the entire being (mind, body, and soul) she helps her clients around the world to evolve into the healthiest, best version of themselves. 

Pepita, what inspired you to choose your path in the field of Holistic Health?

It all started in my early twenties when I had severe problems with my large intestines, it couldn’t make the mass movements any longer and I needed laxatives every other day. The specialist for internal diseases advised me to do surgery and replace my large intestine for a plastic tube. That decision was for me a no go, so my journey with Holistic Health practitioners begun. After 3 years of researching, visiting and exploring many different Holistic Health practitioners from Chinese Health care, Ayurveda practitioners, Acupuncture, reflexology and many more. Until I found an Integrative Health Coach who thought me what food can actually do for you. He put me on a specific diet that was good for my body and together with some supplements my large intestines started to heal. After 3 months I was completely healed! Over the years I kept being inspired by food, tasted different culinary foods in many different countries, and preparing meals became my meditation.

When my youngest son started to have migraines and bloody noses, pediatricians told me this was normal and I knew, something functionally in his system wasn’t working. So I became interested in Food Allergies, Gluten sensitivity and started to support my son, who needed to be completely off gluten, dairy & eggs. This was not easy for a 7 year old going to school where pizza, muffins, cake and other sweet treats were handed out at parties at school. We bought special treats, kept them at the school and he did extremely well, found a way that was working for him, and is able to eat mostly everything these days. 

What interests you most about health and nutrition?

The most interesting about nutrition & health for me is what food can do for you. ‘Food is medicine’, Food is fun. Food has a huge social impact in our lives.

Why is gut health so important and how can we improve it? 

80 percent of all health complaints are food related and therefore nutrition is the cause of almost all health complaints that sooner or later affect us. A big problem is that we have lost the feeling for nutrition. We don’t have time to create at home meals for whatever reason. Our daily diet has been processed in such a way that we no longer recognize all the signals that our body indicates and therefor become ill. Many dis-eases start within the gut.

Your thoughts on Bio Individuality…

Bio Individuality is a term I learned from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, meaning ‘there is no one diet works for everyone’. Each person is unique. The food that is perfect for your unique body, age and lifestyle may make another person gain weight and feel lethargic. No perfect way of eating will work for you all the time either. You probably eat very different on an 8 hour on your feet working days than on relaxing days. Another important part is nutrition and stress. A person who is going through a stressful time in their life can eat all the broccoli in the world and still suffers. Or maybe you heard about a diet that sounded great in theory, but after a week of eating that way, you start to feel bloated, gain weight and feel lethargic while another person thrives on that specific way of eating. 

What is your favorite healthy snack?

My favorite healthy snack is kale chips, and love love raw chocolate.

Can you share some of your daily supporting rituals/ self-care tools for holistic health and wellbeing? 

During the week I start every morning with a chanting meditation and yoga or when there is a little more time I go for a hike before work. Followed with a breakfast that is a Green juice or a seasonal fruit with nuts and seeds or chia pudding made with a plant-based milk and topped with some berries and nuts. Most of the time I bring my lunch to work which is the same as the dinner of the evening before when I am busy working. I love a variety of vegetables for dinner with some protein and sometimes grains. Weekends are family time with my two sons, seeing friends, watching a movie or reading a good book.

Your are launching your 7-Day Fall Detox in collaboration with LA Cold Press. What inspired you to create this program? What can we expect? 

When I heard about LA Cold Press, and met Nancy I got inspired by the idea to create something fun with the juices, milks and adaptogenic herbs. I am an advocate of detoxes and cleanses. These days there are many chemicals not only in our soil but also in our food system. A detox is all about releasing toxins we are exposed to constantly, in the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat and the stresses of every day.

What was the idea of incorporation our juices and nut milks into the detox? 

Juicing is a convenient way to consume fruits and vegetables, absorb vital nutrients more rapidly, hydrate your body, and enjoy a steady stream of energy. The body absorbs quickly the amino acids, chlorophyll, enzymes, minerals and vitamins that are released during the juicing process. The fruits and vegetables you use in juicing are very high in antioxidants which improve circulation, aids in digestion, fights of disorders like colds and headaches, promote longevity, shed extra pounds, enhance memory and reduces stress. Plant-based milks are rich in good fats which promote a healthy heart and keeping you full.

The juices and milks from LA Cold Press are organic, the adaptogen blends very tasty. To have the juices and milks delivered or ready to be picked up makes the detox very easy. 

The 7-Day Fall Detox Program starts on October 27th. Early bird special 99 Euro ends Oct 18th. Regular price 139 Euro. Sign up here: Juice Package and Detox program. For a One on One session with Pepita email her:


Nutritional Coach
Nourishing Foods
Cold pressed juices
Nancy B