Orbs of Jing

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Recipe by our wonderful herbalist Carolyn Barron. Served in our ceramic ‘Shell Mug’.

This is my highly tweakable recipe for herb-kissed chocolate truffle energy bites. Once you get the recipe down, you can add creative flourishes (maca! sea salt!) to your heart’s content.

These are infamous in my circle, and if anyone is coming over to my house for tea, cocktails, or reverie, it's almost demanded that they make an appearance. I will stain my fingers with chocolate to the ends of the earth for these magical orbs. These power balls are also complementary as your post workout snack.


1 cup coconut butter, warmed up to a sultry melt on the stove

3/4 cup raw cacao powder

4 tbsp raw honey

1 vanilla bean, split lengthwise + scooped

a dash of celtic sea salt

4 tsp of an adaptogen potion blend of your choice. (I’m fond of using The Immortal, The Luminous or The Muse)

Process all of your ingredients in a food processor, roll into luscious gooey orbs, and serve! I recommend rolling your orbs in black sesame seeds, coconut flakes, or dot with a goji berry in the center for added panache.

Enjoy in bliss!

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Nancy B