Heart opening adaptogenic Rose Latte

This heart opening Rose Latte is packed with ancient beautifying herbs that magnify your radiance and make you glow. A perfect way to romance yourself or a loved one.


Serves 2

2 tsp The Luminous adaptogenic beauty blend with Goji Berry, He Shou Wu, Camu Camu, Schizandra, Lucuma

2 dates or 1 tsp raw Honey

2 tbsp rose water

100ml filtered water

400ml plant-based milk (we like Almond or Coconut milk the most)

Topping: Rose pedals and Bee Pollen

Add The Luminous adaptogenic powder, dates (or honey) and rose water in your high speed blender. Warm up the plant-based milk and water and blend all together until smooth. Top with rose pedals and bee pollen. Sip with an open heart.

Nancy B