New: LACP x INJU Mega Power Cleanse & Cell Cure

New: LACP x INJU Mega Power Cleanse & Cell Cure
To elevate your well-being this spring season, we haver partnered with our friends from INJU for this special MEGA POWER Cleanse & Cell Cure program.
Our 3-Day SRING CLEANSE will naturally reset your system, brighten your skin, lift your mood and boost your immunity with a nourishing mix of organic greens, fruits and adaptogenic herbs & roots! Followed by 10 days of cell supply for serenity, energy and immune power.
Followed by a 10-Day INNER POWER drinking cure, which supports you to be fully in your power.
The 3-Day Juice Cleanse includes daily:
1 x CLEANSE MASTER TONIC, 500ml (Lemon, Cayenne, Maple Sirup, Filtered Water)
1 x TURMERIC GLOW, Cold Pressed Juice, 500ml (Carrot, Turmeric, Apple, Ginger, Black Pepper)
1 x SWEET GREENS, Cold Pressed Juice, 500ml (Celery, Kale, Spinach, Parsley, Apple, Lemon, Ginger)
1 x BLOODY BEETS (New formula), Cold Pressed Juice, 500ml (Apple, Beets, Ginger, Lemon)
1 x PURE GREENS, Cold Pressed Juice, 500ml (Celery, Cucumber, Kale, Spinach, Parsley, Ginger)
1 x SILKY NUT MILK, 500ml (Almonds, Dates, Cinnamon, Sea Salt, Filtered Water)
Cleanse Manual
The 10-Day Inner Power Cell Cure includes:
4x 100 ml of NATURAL CELL TONICS (with ginseng, turmeric, ashwagandha, medicinal mushrooms, vitamins, minerals, Q10, PQQ, alpha-lipoic acid, glutathione, etc) to support your body's resources on 4 levels. First drink SHIELD for 5 days for a stable immune system, then BALANCE for 5 days for resilience and stability. FOCUS and BOOST you distribute according to the enclosed plan over the ten days.
Cell Cure Diary
Our raw juices stand for a unique taste experience made from natural and seasonal ingredients that are 100% organically grown or wild-collected. They are lovingly hand-prepared fresh and gently to unfold the full detoxifying, activating and nourishing effect.
Our production process is unique and enables the highest quality as well as the maximum extraction of nutrients, vitamins and enzymes with a shelf life of 3 to 5 days. Our process is in marked contrast to the well-known HPP process (High Pressure Processing) or classic pasteurisation, where the juices are preserved for several weeks or even months and thus contain far fewer nutrients.
We only deliver within the greater Berlin area. Our Cleanses will be delivered every Friday from 8-10am. You can also pick up your order at our production lab on Linienstr. 139-140, c/o INJU space Friday from 9-11pm.
Select your desired cleanse date in the pulldown menu when adding to cart.